Little Roses


I'm going on vacation in under a week. I just wanted to let you all know that I will be gone Saturday, Feburary 17 - Sunday, Feburary 25. I have all my dogs prentered(Is the right spelling?) all my dogs and have set the sessions to none. I am not looking for a kennel sitter just letting everyone know I haven't left the gamehappy :)


Thank you von Adamshaus!

Welcome! Welcome to Little Roses, I'm Schmidty and this is my Chinese Shar-Pei and Dandie Dinmont Terrier kennel.

I have to thank E_Williams and Hickory Creek Shar Pei for helping me with my Shar-Peis also! Thank you! Thank you to ADA for my dividers! Thwy are amazing!

Prices will be no higher than $400 and if they ever get to $400 than that will be an awesome dog!

Staring Contest de Roses

Ch HSCP Bright Lime

100 for all pups. 200 for champions

Leasing Bitches
Yes you can lease bitches from me for about $150 or $100 dollars a girl. Also I may or may not want a pick of the litter so I'll email you. Please email if you are interested. No champions who are being shown will be open to lease

My Code

! = 1
@ = 2
# = 3
$ = Sell
% = 4
^ = 6
* = 9
, = 7
< = 8
| = 5
.| = .5
} = 0
G(# goes here) = Group Placed that many times
S " " = Show Placed that many times
BREED = Breeder
SpTr = Speacial Traits
SpPc = Speacialty Placer
SpW = Speacialty Winner
HD? = Hidden Decimals?

Thanks top dog the k9 place!!

Please feel free to email me with questions, concerns or anything!

Check out my website! Has all my kennels and a short history of each! Also includes helpful tips!

Thanks Gypsy Mirage!!

Check out all my pics here! - - With winter on the way I'm getting a new camera and some more pictures will be loaded!

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#410,866)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 7/13/2006
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 7/31/2007

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters